Thursday, December 16, 2010

Halloween (Very, Very Late)

Halloween was only a month and a half ago.  I'm a little (very) late posting these but I figured you'd like to know how we do Halloween around these parts.  We went to a Halloween Party at our church the night before.  The kids had a blast.

Alyssa was a witch (she took off the hat and didn't want to carry the broom), Kobe was a football player (we picked up a German football jersey while in Berlin), and Devon was Jango Fett.

Alyssa was loving the candy!  She ate quite a bit before we left.  They had some games as part of the festivities and the kids really enjoyed themselves.

Kobe did some bobbing for apples.  He tried several times, but he couldn't get his mouth open enough with the braces.  They kindly gave him an apple anyway.

They also did a little donut-on-the-string fun.  They did a little better at donut game than the apple bobbing.

We did a little pumpkin carving on Halloween.  We had three pumpkins.  Kobe and Devon drew the faces that they wanted and we did the carving.  After Kobe's was carved, I let him use the knife to clean up some of the edges.  I was terrified, but he was careful and he still has all of his fingers!  I count that as a success.

Above is Devon showing off his pumpkin.  Because Halloween was on a Sunday, we didn't allow the kids to go trick-or-treating.  They did have fun passing out the candy.  Alyssa wanted to be in charge of the candy and would get angry when anyone else touched the bowl.

One interesting tradition here is that when the kids in Scotland go trick-or-treating, they have to tell a joke before they can get their candy.  Good thing to know for next year.  We'll make sure our kids have their jokes prepared.


Erin said...

What cute kids! I'm so glad she wore the witch costume since Sariah wouldn't...made my $2 well worth it! hahaha!

Kristi said...

Erin--I didn't realize Sariah never wore it. You did a great job sewing it. It was so cute!