It's quite a walk to get to the bridge, but it was worth it.
Here is the crew on our way to the bridge.
There were so many stairs to go down to get to the actual bridge.
Here is a side view of the bridge. It's difficult to get a good picture of it when you're right next to it.
They were pretty excited to make the walk over. The board is pretty narrow so it's definitely a single-file kind of thing.
This photo is almost the same as the previous one, but I wanted to sneak in a little more of the views.
The boys enjoyed doing a little exploring.
Do you see those cliff faces?!? The mama bear in me was freaking out a bit. Stunning views, though.
Kobe wanted to be the first to go over on the way back. He thought he was pretty cool.
Here's Grandpa waving on his way back over the bridge.
The stairs weren't quite as fun on the way back.
Next up--Giants Causeway. Hopefully I'll get those up before the week is over (wishful thinking--I know). It was a good day for sightseeing. Both were incredibly impressive locations. I'd have to say that this coastal area of Northern Ireland, of all of the places I've ever been, is the most beautiful.