Saturday, September 11, 2010

New House Part I

We finally moved into our house this past Monday.  Sorry I didn't post pictures any earlier.  Our internet is a little sketchy and Jonathan left for Frankfurt first thing Tuesday morning, so it has been a bit crazy.

Here is the view from the front.  We live on a quiet cul-de-sac.  The kitchen window looks out onto the street.  The kids have been enjoying playing outside with some of the neighbor kids so it's nice to be able to keep an eye on them from the kitchen while I make dinner.

Here is the view of the back of the house.  There are two sets of french doors leading out to the garden (backyard to us Americans).  One is from the dining room, and the other from the family room.  The door on the right leads to the laundry room.

Above is the side view of our little garage.  Garages are not very common here and if people have them, they are too small for a car and only used for storage.  I think our car would technically fit, but we wouldn't be able to get out of it.

The back yard is mostly grass and is a pretty decent size with a nice side yard.  The picture on the right is a patch of wood chips where the previous owner had a trampoline.  We've never had a trampoline but since the yard is already prepped, we might have to go ahead and get one.  

I haven't taken many pictures of the inside yet.  I've been waiting for a sunny day so I wouldn't have to use the flash, but sunny times are not so frequent.  I may just have to settle for using the flash.  I'll try to post them in the next couple of days.

It's nice to finally be in our home.  We've been moving around for the past month, and now I finally feel like I can relax.  I love walking the kids to school everyday and it's a less than ten minute walk.  It's rained on a few of those trips to the school but we've made good use of our umbrellas, coats, and stroller cover.


Erin said...

That's so cute. I like that little house. I'm so glad you guys are getting a little settled in. ;)

Mike and Pam said...

What a great little house and so nice that the kids can play outside. Looking forward to the pics of the inside.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look that "little". Very nice!